Liberty 76 Softwash is a professional exterior cleaning company, dedicated to helping homeowners and businesses maintain clean, beautiful, and long-lasting properties. Founded in Downingtown, we started with a simple goal—to provide safe, effective, and environmentally responsible cleaning solutions that renew and protect surfaces without causing damage. Over the years, we have grown into a trusted name in the industry, offering soft washing, pressure washing, window cleaning, and roof cleaning services that deliver outstanding results.
Unlike traditional high-pressure methods, our soft washing process is designed to eliminate dirt, mold, and algae at the root, ensuring a longer-lasting clean. Our exterior cleaning company is proud to serve our community with services that improve curb appeal and extend the life of exterior surfaces.
At Liberty 76 Softwash, we believe in delivering high-quality cleaning without harming the environment. Our soft washing solutions are biodegradable, water-based, and use significantly less water than pressure washing. This means we can effectively remove contaminants while protecting your landscaping, pets, and the surrounding ecosystem.
Soft washing is not just about cleaning—it’s about preventing regrowth and reducing the need for frequent cleanings, which minimizes water waste and chemical runoff. Our environmentally responsible approach ensures that your home or business remains beautiful without compromising sustainability.
We offer a full range of exterior cleaning services in Pennsylvania to keep your home or business looking its best:
We are not just house exterior cleaners—we are a team dedicated to providing exceptional service, long-lasting results, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Here’s why homeowners and businesses trust us:
As a trusted exterior cleaning company, our mission is to provide the highest quality exterior cleaning services using safe, effective, and eco-friendly methods. By using advanced soft washing techniques, we ensure our customers receive a deeper, longer-lasting clean that enhances their property’s value and beauty.
Providing thorough cleaning services while prioritizing environmental responsibility, using primarily biodegradable chemicals with low vocs, gentle cleaning methods that protect surfaces, and a commitment to preserving the longevity of exterior materials on homes and buildings, all while minimizing water usage compared to traditional pressure washing techniques.
Doug Dunghe, our founder, boasts over 29 years of experience in the industry. His journey running a successful exterior cleaning company began as an extension of his painting business, driven by the increasing demand for exterior cleaning and washing services. Doug's dedication to excellence is evidenced by his numerous certifications, including various softwash credentials, the prestigious SWS sanitization certification, and recognition as a "Certified Applicator," "Authorized Professional," and "5 Star Company." Achieving these certifications required rigorous testing and a commitment to mastering the craft. Outside of work, Doug enjoys spending time with his four dogs, hiking, and playing ice hockey. As a proud Penn State graduate, he avidly follows their hockey and football teams. Additionally, Doug regularly participates in hot pilates and hot yoga classes taught by his amazing and talented wife, Heather.
Whether you need roof cleaning, pressure washing, window cleaning, or other exterior cleaning services, our expert team is ready to help. Let us show you the difference that professional, environmentally responsible cleaning can make for your property.
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Liberty 76 Softwash is a comprehensive exterior cleaning service that provides eco-friendly property care across Downingtown, Exton, Chester Springs, West Chester, Malvern, Chesterbrook, Strafford, Berwyn, Paoli, Frazer, Villanova, King of Prussia, West Goshen, Whitehorse Farms, Devon, Wayne, St. Davids, Radnor, and the surrounding areas.